Everyone, I have a very important announcement to make. This is not a joke thread, I am absolutely serious.

I'm going to delete my twitter account today because I have had a change of heart about some very, very important things.

Please read it in full before responding.
Call me a dirty liberal or a sellout or a centrist or a cointelpro plant I don't care. Believe what you want, I'm doing what in my heart I know is right.

Last night I talked @fvckcommies out of escalating into violence and in so doing I also talked myself out of it as well.
The right is full of bad faith actors who stoke tensions and influence lots of people into doing their bidding, true. But there are those on the left who also do this. And the average uninformed person is trained to see the other side as antagonistic and to root for their side...
...no matter what. And at the end of the day it will all devolve into mindless bloodsport that accomplishes nothing but sorrow and misery and destruction. I want to stop the US from invading the planet and for black people to stop getting murdered by police like you have no idea.
When the police brutalized my fellow indigenous people my blood boiled and all I wanted to do was murder police officers. And when I saw black people getting even worse treatment, I felt the same way then too. I'll admit my anger and my rage.
But I've watched as those on the right and on the left have pushed false narratives that were not in line with factual evidence to push agendas. Yes, I will say the dirty agenda word because I mean it. And these people influence millions to wage their wars for them...
...against each other. A majority of people on the right are just as anti nazi as we are. The loud voices stoking tension and fire and the drums of war cause ripple effects of shared sentiment, but a majority of people who have that sentiment have it because of false information.
I want an end to racialized and predatory, over-militarized policing

I want an end to the endless interference on the world stage by the US military

I want an end to corporations rewriting the economy so they get everything and everyone else gets nothing

And I want peace
I myself have sounded the drums of war on this account and for that I apologize. No, I've not been hacked, I'm still the same person who boosted everyone in #NoComradesUnder1k

But violence leads only to mutually assured destruction.
When I said I wanted America to fall, I meant the corrupt corporate-controlled government at the top hurting everyone here and abroad with their actions. I did not mean the people of this country, no matter what side they're on.
I still consider myself a leftist, but I realize that outreach, education and dialogue is far more effective than burning and gunning everyone and everything down.

And most importantly, the facts surrounding the situation. When we twist facts and lie to support our narrative...
then we are no better than those on the right doing the same thing. I left the right because I saw that they were factually incorrect, but I'm seeing that happen on the left as well.

I'm not interested in being anyone's team player in this. I'm interested in factual integrity.
If there's something I'm very good at, it's forecasting outcomes of situations because I've seen it play out. And both sides are heading towards bloodsport for bloodsport's sake, and I want nothing to do with that.

I'm interested in making the world better, not destroying it.
To people on the #Conservative side, you're being manipulated by politicians and pundits who do not hold your personal values of democracy and freedom and liberty.

To #leftist people, you are allowing righteous anger to blind you. Your aggression has only given credence...
to the alt-right neonazis who are going to use a civil war to do ethnic cleansing. We're all so angry we even rip each other to shreds. It all devolves into chaos that gets exploited by bad faith actors on both sides.

That's why I'm going to delete my account, because I have...
...only contributed to the rising tensions. I know all too well the effects blind rage has more than most, as I struggle with a very real rage problem and have watched time and time again my rage destroy everything I love and hold dear.
Rage feels justified. It feels vindicated. It feels right. Your blood boils and all you can see is fire and the desire to destroy, to lash out, to kill.

Make everyone feel that way and the world becomes a wasteland filled with the corpses of the innocent.
The monsters, the bad faith actors who stoked the fires of war for their own gain, they always make it out just fine. Not the innocent. Never the innocent.

I'm not saying to give up and do nothing. I'm saying that spreading extremism leaves everyone dead except the people...
...who are supposed to be the target. Burning down a small business doesn't do a damn thing to Jeff Bezos or the Police. Choking a guy to death doesn't do a damn thing to preserve law or order.

It's just mindless, selfish bloodsport. Us vs Them mentality. And that only helps...
...the monsters. The people who actually have bad intentions. It doesn't help the average human being at all.

What we need is a #Ceasefire and if you agree then RT this thread. Education and facts are what will win. Not violence and hatred for our fellow human beings.
If you want to reach out to me, I'll be on Telegram at TheBiggerSkunk.

But not on Twitter, I don't want to get whipped up into a violent rage ever again.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Please take this message to heart.
You can follow @487Apt.
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