There is ZERO excuse for law enforcement abandoning their role as "Law & Order" to untrained, unaccountable "militias". The only sanctioned militia in Wisconsin is the National Guard. Want to be a cop? Join the force. Want to play soldier? Join the Guard.
The BlackBloc aggitators who go seeking violence only validate the rabid claims that fuel the "Militia" LARPers. Two sides, stuck on stupid at the hip. The consequences are deadly.
The "citizen journalists" should identify their conflicts of interests, especially when they are clearly working with a biased outlet, be it AlexJones, DailyCaller or be checked with they lie to the witnesses as "just a journalist" without identifying outlets. #Ethics101
Everyone should be cautious about believing "he was attacked" or "molotov cocktail" claims without big picture of events.

EVERYONE in the US should be aware this chaos is fodder to our adversaries who want us to burn down our country so they can scavenge the scraps.
Last, vigilante justice is no justice at all. Law & Order do not belong with vigilantism. The outsiders coming into the community should listen to the locals, "go home".
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