I sat here and struggled with sharing how I feel right now. But if anything...

I have a responsibility to share from mistakes, failures and negatives...

I'm considering pulling the trigger and firing what clients I have left...
Since the onset of Covid I have fought what feels like an uphill battle with my business...

Mainly my agency business..

I spent years developing a relationship with a brand..

Helped to build their brand and penetrate the market...
Only to have them drop me and my biz for no clear reason..

Speculation included
- their finances weren't in order
- nepotism allowed for a single person to try and take the reigns for all the verticals my agency managed
- list goes on..

None of that matters..I took that hit
After a few months of course because.. I made the mistake over the years...

I don't even know if it's a mistake.. I've always worked as one man..

Maybe I never priced high enough (this is going to come up later, price and in turn COST of business)
I made the mistake of not putting in ANY real Client Acquisition System or process..

Never hired any sales execs... Etc...

That was always reliant on ME...

The excuse I give is lack of capital (Again because I prob priced too low)...
Now when sales relies on you but your also the lead on well every project every task...

Social media, design, web, on the ground executions, email marketing, copywriting, Marketing ideation etc etc...

You tend to well... Ignore sales...
And sadly and it's VERY embarrassing to say...

Even though I was in the digital world for well forever... I never thought of how to get income from the international <Global> Market...
This is something I'm aiming to fix right after I clean house.. Close down operations for a few.. And get my mind right...

Because... I'm BURNT OUT!!!!!!!
Like the matches reach to the end... BURNT OUT!!!

So I'm now faced with just taking a hiatus or maybe even never looking back on the agency model...

Because one in Jamaica..

Companies insist that you PITCH and Send PROPOSALS...

Time consuming, capital consuming...
They also don't find VALUE in marketing...

And such find every way to get you to cut your price... Whilst your COST potential remains the same..

Therefore PROFIT is slim..

That's finna my bad anyways... Prob better I had just said NO Alll those times... Bleeding heart of mine.
Those who are potentially interested in marketing... Do the bare minimum...

Even worse if you aim to specialize in digital...

Then there's the issues of the older agencies with the coffers fat over the years.. Jumping into "Digital" but

Doing the "best to post at 7 am, midday, 7pm" strategy....
OUTDATED isn't even the word.

The lack of growth results doesn't prevent them from collecting a bag tho
Why most likely due to strong BRAND and RELATIONSHIPS with stakeholders and decision makers...

To the point where if you can boast results higher than them.. U still stand no chance of bringing VALUE to the BRANDS and COMPANIES
I love doing what I do.. I love helping persons..

I love seeing persons business flourish... When they get that sale I'm happy.. When their customer expressed gratitude on social media.. I'm happy..

But I'm going to have to potentially fully abandon Jamaica as a market
I worked recently with a company that has two subsidiary business..

A family company...

I built their websites with ecommerce integrations at discounts because potential future business and recurring income...
After such website is built and finalized (a project that should have been a month but stretched 4 months due to nitpicking and delays on doing product shoots etc etc)
I present AGAIN a discounted rate for Content Marketing, SEO and for Website hosting and Maintenance
I received one word "NO"
I still can't wrap my mind around it... It wasn't even a yes or no ting..

Like... Your website has to be hosted and maintained...

Was that a bad up... Was I to do it for free for the foreseeable future...
Another company that I did Video Content Production for.. Major international brand this one I tell you..

Had a payment outstanding for me for 6 months..

After I went to their office and refused to leave until their accounts department settled...

It was done
God bless the relationships I have with my vendors and partners...

They have NEVER sweated me on the monies I owe them..

They stand beside me usually with the displeasure of my clients not paying
But anyways.. Lo and behold same company again comes along..for what again.. Content Production...

I say yes..

U know who still waiting on payment again right?
Now when a business cash receivables.. Is so lengthy and your recurring monthly expenses stack..

What are you to do?
Today is the last straw..

I'm throwing in the towel publicly..

Take my knockout and go figure out how to get back in the ring to fight another day...
I now accept.. I have a FAILED business..

I have failed at BOOTSTRAPPING.

It is not a failed concept but it's my own fault..

I'll be assessing all of this for the future..

I hope there are lessons within this somewhere for those who read.
Oh oh.. This is important..

I have not lost completely..


I have made beautiful relationships with many..

I have impacted lives.. Made people money..

Nothing takes that away
@yaneekpage I gotta give nuff thanks because her content has been fuel to my fire over the years..

And even now continues to be 🙏🏽
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