In Slack this morning, somebody pointed out that the New Testament is basically a really long board game errata.

I cannot stop these thoughts.
FAQ: Am I my brother's keeper?

A: Yes. This was always the answer. Stop asking.
FAQ: Can I stone my wife to death because she menstruates?

A: It was formerly implied that you could stone anyone for anything. This action has been clarified in the living rules. You can still stone anyone, but only if you hold zero or fewer sin tokens.
FAQ: Why does my copy include hippopotamus, hyena, water buffalo, whale, and other tokens, but none of the required dragon tokens?

A: This feature was principally found in English printings. Use all animal tokens as dragons and ignore the distinguishing rules for each.
FAQ: Isaiah???

A: Don't worry about it, we've changed those rules to mean something else entirely.
FAQ: Are the win conditions purposefully ambiguous?

A: Yes. Please note that in the second edition the player in last place will win.
FAQ: Circumcision.

A: This aspect of setup was too involved and has been removed.
FAQ: Do we really need to follow all these rules? And even more rules during particular phases?

A: The rules have been significantly streamlined. Even so, we find that the game's most enthusiastic players don't follow them and make up different rules whenever they like.
FAQ: What is the special reward for accepting the "eunuch" trait?

A: It depends whether you gained the trait during character creation or received it from another character. Specific rewards will be detailed in a forthcoming errata.
FAQ: During setup, which God traits are we supposed to select for earning appeasement points?

A: Shuffle jealous, loving, stern, gentle, fatherly, remote, forgiving, wroth, serious, catty, forthright, trickster, and unchanging into the same deck.
FAQ: Can God change traits in the middle of a play?

A: In the Winsome edition, no. In the Rio Grande edition, yes.
FAQ: Is it correct that you only add prophecy cards to the splay after the foretold event has occurred?

A: Yes.
FAQ: Our Messiah token has gone missing after only one play. Is it possible to receive a replacement?

A: Yes. Be precise when filling out the service form, because replacement times vary from between a few days to ten million years. Also, there's no way to update your address.
FAQ: Is it correct that winners are determined during setup?

A: Basically yes. Or no. I dunno. Like, it depends?
FAQ: Although the second edition's rules are streamlined, there seem to be a few gaps.

A: The Paul expansion will further expand these rules. Coming to KS Q3 2021! The first backers will receive their modules via postcard.
FAQ: Is it true that the first edition featured more women?

A: It was our original intent to include additional female characters; however, since women are only allowed to adopt the "mother" and "whore" traits, we felt it would be more sensitive to erase most of them entirely.
FAQ: Who wrote the footnotes found in the rules?

A: It depends on whether you agree with them or not. When you agree, they were written by Cole Wehrle. When you don't agree, they were written by Phil Eklund.
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