Is26:13-14: “O Lord our God, other lords besides U have ruled over us, but your name alone we bring 2 remembrance. They are dead, they will not live;
they are shades, they will not arise;
2 that end U have visited them with destruction
& wiped out all remembrance of them.
What is “another lord”? Well, the word “Lord,” in this context, is the word “master,” and literally this is saying that other “masters” besides our Lord God have ruled over us. They have had dominion over us. But now only the name of our Lord is what we bring to remembrance.
But when we came to faith in Jesus Christ, we died with Christ to sin, we were reborn of the Spirit of God & we were given new lives in Christ Jesus, created to be like God in true righteousness & holiness. Jesus died that we might die with him to sin & live to his righteousness.
This death to sin is not a one-time deal. Scripture teaches that we must, by the Spirit, be putting to death the deeds of the flesh, as a continual course of action. We must be walking (in lifestyle) according to the Spirit and not according to our flesh (Rom 8:1-17; Lu 9:23-26).
So, before we trusted in Jesus Christ with God-given faith to be our ONLY Lord and Master, we were living under the dominion of Satan, the flesh and sin. They had control over our lives. They ruled supreme. They controlled our thoughts and our actions. We obeyed them, not God.
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