Received test results today for a family member that has suffered from severe anxiety and depression for years, to the point we have almost one option left and it’s not a pleasant one. Everyday has been a struggle and no matter how many doctors and psychs we’ve been to (thread)
Not one has thought there may be a underlying cause. I finally encouraged her on my birthday to try a different route as I had struggled with issues to the point a year ago last spring I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at Mayo. I refused to believe the diagnosis....
After doing my own research and analyzing my own body and all it’s been through i found out my body was severely toxic. I decided to go a detox route... it was one of the toughest most challenging things I’ve done...
I finally encouraged her to get testing done on toxins and those results came back today and she is off the charts (literally) on molds and other things that can cause severe depression and anxiety as the main side effects.
This is the first time in a couple of years that I feel there may be hope, but the detox process will be long and brutal. The moral is... yes there are mental issues in agriculture. But with the exposures we have on daily basis do NOT rule out other underlying causes.
I remember counting the medications she had been on and there was one point she was taking over 20 prescribed pills a day. Why would a professional maybe not think there was something else going on??? If I can help anyone in anyway with info please let me know as no one should
Go through a situation like this.
I should note also note that yes, my diagnosis from mayo was wrong as I feel the best I have in years, and the only time I experience similar symptoms that sent me there in the first place is with certain exposures
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