tw // abuse mention //

i don’t know if the gfm for alex will help and it is not my business to say wether it will or not but i will tell u this: keep up this energy for other trans kids in abusive and transphobic homes, not just so u can dunk on a transphobe.
alex is not the only trans teenager in this community who lives in a home like that. i’m glad he is getting the recognition he deserves, but y’all’s efforts have put him in more fucking danger than he already was before. be careful and stop playing hero so u can get woke points.
trans teenagers are real. we exist and deserve love and support from the rest of the community, so stop fucking using us for clout when we are constantly being torn down for being who we are, thank u very much.
this thread is ok to rt btw i really want ppl to see this if i’m being honest
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