what's up with saurian now? you're getting mad that a small project is taking time to develop? not only that, but the artists are taking time to faithfully recreate an ecosystem full of many diverse plants and animals we haven't even seen ourselves? (1/???)
they had to remodel their tyrannosaurus for gods sake because of new discoveries. something people don't realize is that paleontology is an evolving study, so this game constantly needs to remodel their assets... and about the gameplay...
people are really complaining about the gameplay...? what would you like it to be? sure, it can be improved, but what can they really do that hasn't been done before?
it just angers me to no end that people really don't think twice about these kind of things... and we have a demo? you are entitled to an opinion, but if your opinion is against this thread, i don't stand with your opinion.
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