what i think is happening with UA- a thread

first let’s start with the idea that unus and annus are separate beings from ethan and mark.

that was always a theory within the fandom, but today’s video was the concrete proof that we needed, since they show up simultaneously.
by assuming they are different people, we can say that they think differently and have different personalities. think of it as the egos that we all know and love.

unus and annus are introduced to us as friendly and “normal”. we saw them several times, like in the spiral videos.
however it appears that more recently, they are different, more aggressive and you may be wondering: why? why now?

well we all know ua is reaching it’s end, and with it, unus and annus would likely disappear as well.

everything was fine, until they realized that.
reasonably, they didn’t want to disappear and would do anything to stop it. they would rage,rage against the dying of the light

and the only thing standing between them and their future was mark and ethan. they created the deadline, they’re the ones responsible for the end of ua
so as time went by and they got closer and closer to the end, they became desperate.

they realized they couldn’t exist if mark and ethan did. so they chose the obvious answer: to kill them. to kill them so they could live.
it started with the koala video, where we see “mark” ask about an audience, as if he didn’t know they were recording a video.

that is strange, and it implies something changed between that video and the last

what if i told you that was annus, not mark? it would make total sense
annus replaces mark, that is why he seems suddenly unaware of everything mark was so used to doing. because he isn’t mark.

unus and annus got one, now there’s one to go

to get ethan, they create camp ua. a trap to put ethan in constant danger and allow annus to kill him
now, we finally get to today’s video, where their plan finally follows through.

annus kills ethan. annus kills him while unus watches.

that explains why unus didn’t interfere. it was necessary. he wasn’t happy, but it had to be done.
in the end of the video unus goes on to replace ethan.

the channel isn’t about mark and ethan anymore. they are gone, unus and annus took their places for good.
so this is my theory guys, i hope you liked it :D

if you have any ideas or opinions, fill free to correct me or add to it
this want completely made up from my brain, ive read lots of theories that appeared in my tl and i just joined some ideas with a few of my own and arranged them. you can do the same with this one, you can add whatever you want :)
also i find it so cool that they are doing this, adding lore to ua and stuff. it makes it so much cooler and allows us to theorize together :)
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