when will yall realize that autistic ppl and ppl with adhd cant always,, control their hyperfixations,, and telling them to "fix it" is ableist. 9/10 times the person is fully aware of the problems w their hyperfixation and 9/10 times they are ashamed. dont make it worse (1/2)
by berating them for it. i promise they already fucking know. i can speak for this myself as an autistic person w a hyperfixation that i keep to myself because it has problematic aspects (2/2)
also there is not a single fucking piece of media that is 100% unproblematic so theres no point in doing this callout shit??
homestuck ment //

like i personally couldnt get into hs but i know a lot of mutuals who hyperfixate on it and many of them like it out of nostalgia and are absolutely aware of how outdated it is. youre not a bad person for liking bad media as long as u recognize its issues
also this thread isnt specific to homestuck that was just an example of a piece of media that has a lot of problems but a big fanbase, made up of many neurodivergent people
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