Wolves in the Classroom: BLM from Cradle to Grave Pt. 1
@ConceptualJames @AsraNomani @glennbeck @JasonButtrill
On Aug. 10, this post was made containing with a link to files upon files of school curriculum and materials. https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1292929638059171842?s=20
Inside is a treasure trove of documents, curriculum, and classroom materials. They are designed to guide educators on how to not only discuss racial issues but even more insidious, to indoctrinate even the youngest of our children. Like this lesson on teaching Preschool Allyship.
They tell us openly that they want this pushed on our children from Infancy.
Another document was a teachers planning template on a BLM Principle: Trans-Affirming. The title of the lesson is called "My Princess Boy"
Throughout the documents, we find the BLM "Guiding Principles" permeating everything.
Yet, this should not be a surprise to us. As Universities have been producing for years. Below is the magazine "Radical Teacher" cover from 2014
A lesson included is one from "Teachers Undoing Racism Now" (TURN). It features a doing a research report on Black Women: notable figures include the fugitive Assata Shakur and ...Angela Davis. Yes, this Angela Davis 👇
Coloring pages are included...who doesn't like coloring? How about ones about the Black Panther Party, Queer Affirming (featuring BLM founders), or "My Mother Was A Freedom Fighter" by Aja Monet (who incidentally was on the trip to Palestine in 2015 with BLM et al)
Yet, there was one coloring page that caught my eye. This one with BYP100 founder Charlene Carruthers.
In her book "Unapologetic" she talks about the role that this Black Feminist Queer Marxist movement should play in education.
Carruthers states that "Educational work should be central in our organizing efforts." And how all this is "important for collective liberation."
Another lesson included involves "White People Hate Protests." The introduction states "...most white people are doing the same old thing: ignoring justice and violence until it touches them personally."
In order to teach civic engagement, there are lessons for those that want to affect Prison reform and "defuding the police."
If you are not sure why defunding the police and prisons are in the curriculum; read here. https://twitter.com/DunedainRanger9/status/1283071468251881473?s=20
For High School learners, there are lessons on the "Black Radical Tradition" including people such as Stokely Carmichael, Fred Hampton, George Jackson, and Angela Davis. Also the Postcolonial Theorist Frantz Fanon - his work is present on our streets today in the form of Antifa.
But lesson planning would not be complete without units on Islamophobia with leaders like Louis Farrakhan and Keith Ellison. You know...this Keith Ellison.
And going forward, states like Virginia are looking to pass certification requirements of their teachers to have certificates and/or degrees in African American Studies/ History. https://twitter.com/DunedainRanger9/status/1295339406648315904?s=20
To truly try and wrap your head around all of this, you have to know the ideology that is engulfing our schools from Pre-K to Grad school: Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory. https://twitter.com/DunedainRanger9/status/1297184997334487041?s=20
As people call their schools questioning if this material is making it into their child's curriculum; understand that many schools and districts have a master template for the grade level, but often it's left up to the teacher to decide what "supplemental" materials are used.
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