1/5 “I can’t imagine” - a thread about a young Black man:

I can’t imagine a young Black man driving across state lines with his AR-15 to “protect” businesses in someone else’s neighborhood… https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1298957195007209474
2/5 I can’t imagine police in armored vehicles stopping to share water with that young Black man, who is illegally carrying an AR-15 and violating curfew, and telling him “We appreciate you guys. We really do” …
3/5 I can’t imagine that same young Black man walking away unchallenged after killing one white man with a shot to the head and another white man with a shot to the chest …
4/5 I can’t imagine that young Black man, still armed, passing multiple nearby police vehicles, unmolested and undetained. I can’t imagine that young Black man being free to walk past the police, get in his car and drive home to sleep in his own bed...
5/5 I can’t imagine … because that’s not how life works for a young Black man in America. #BlackLivesMatter #WalkWithUs
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