Time to pop that top on the @GovAndyBeshear Fear Beer! 🍻 to only 3 more years!
Expect immediate gloating in reports from @BGPolitics saying the CDC reversed its decision on not being tested if asymptomatic.
Something is causing a holdup. @GovAndyBeshear is usually right on time.
@GovAndyBeshear has arrived.
@GovAndyBeshear begins by insisting his mask mandate, that isn’t working, is working.
@GovAndyBeshear says his kids are virtual learning.

Hopefully they did not encounter some of the horrors some other kids did as hackers accessed their virtual learning.
@GovAndyBeshear starts with election type announcements about jobs. These announcements were projects that the @MattBevin administration did all the heavy lifting on.
The levels of investment under Beshear’s administration vs @MattBevin is pathetic, by the way.
We are not giving this manipulative and opportunistic jerk the coverage of his announcements. He’s like the kid in a group that provides no role in a project but gets the same grade as everyone else.
@GovAndyBeshear has oversaw record levels of unemployment. Many of which still haven’t gotten their benefits (by the way media, care to follow up on that?).

It’s unclear who will fill these jobs he’s announcing. Nobody wants to get back to work.
Government is in many ways incentivizing welfare over work.
@GovAndyBeshear announcing a wastewater project. No, it’s not related to his mouth.
@GovAndyBeshear says we have to keep testing.

And yep, he mentions the @CDCgov walking back their asymptomatic testing recommendations.
@GovAndyBeshear says all testing locations not being filled. All but begging people to go get tested.
This one is doing 700 a day he said.
Says this one needs filled up. Not enough signups.
Then this one.
@GovAndyBeshear now asks everyone to vote. Prioritizes absentee ballot.

Note: we have a limited budget for the election. The more mail ballots the more expensive.
@GovAndyBeshear says the opportunity to be heard is voting. Begs people to vote.
Today’s report:

775 new cases (high)
@GovAndyBeshear insists we are in a plateau (for the 6th week) smh
Positivity rate is 4.8% (Beshear is selectively reporting more negatives to keep this lower, closer to what it has and really is).
@GovAndyBeshear insists he isn’t picking on kids, but the proceeds to use kids to fearmonger.
Jefferson, Christian, Warren, Fayette, Knox, Madison, Scott, Green, Grant

Laurel conveniently finds its way on to @GovAndyBeshear’s list. They will start school in person next week.
Deaths: 84, 89, 75, 84, 70, 90, 74, 80
2 new resident deaths in long term care.
26 new students with the virus. Beshear says they are not necessarily in-person. Just in general.

Note: Cases are occurring despite no school.
@GovAndyBeshear using a selective article here.

No mention of states, many blue actually, who have kids back in school.
@GovAndyBeshear giving Rocky Adkins the podium to use his dads #COVID19 recovery as a politically emotional appeal.
Rocky said his son who had the virus had hardly any symptoms. Stuffy nose.
Rocky says his son caught it from his father because he was with him all day and took care of him.
Rocky whole fearmongering says he’s not saying it to fearmonger.
Rocky says fighting #COVID19 is a team effort.

Note: @GovAndyBeshear doesn’t want anyone on his team. Won’t listen to the people, won’t communicate with lawmakers.
@GovAndyBeshear is now back. Social media feel good stuff.
Picture of a father and son outside wearing a mask 🙄
@GovAndyBeshear loves saying “kiddo”

Is there anyone more fake than this guy?

@WKYTNick asks if he’s like to see the @KyDeptofEd provide recommendations on fall sports

@GovAndyBeshear states that he only heard about the special meeting when we did. Beshear Spin( BS)
@GovAndyBeshear reiterates he has nothing to do with the meeting. Didn’t ask it to be called.
@GovAndyBeshear echos @KySportsRadio about seemingly baseless allegations that “threats” were made on calls. Maybe the @KYEducators called?
Question on effort underway to get people healthcare.

@GovAndyBeshear says he thinks healthcare is a human right. Is prioritizing healthcare for “black African American” community.

Yes, he said “black African Americans”
@GovAndyBeshear says the form is on the benefind website at @CHFSKy. Isn’t actually sure what the link is.
@morganwatkins26 asks about in-person appts for #unemployment

@GovAndyBeshear says they are STILL working through claims. Another mention on the 2 g letters required for some claims (it’s been well over a month w/ this same response) Again says eventually will have offices open.
@GovAndyBeshear asked about UK football team walking out of practice in solidarity with protests.

He says that’s their right. Mentions @NBA #NBABoycott that lasted a Whooping 24 hours. Calls it brave.
@GovAndyBeshear addressing the fact that @StevenStackMD will be at the @KyDeptofEd board meeting to answer questions.

Remember, Beshear didn’t know anything about this meeting 🙄
@GovAndyBeshear asked about @CDCgov director saying asymptomatic “May” get tested but doesn’t really need to.

Beshear blasts the suggestion people should not get tested. “Not helpful.” Says we need more testing.
Question on if positivity rate is between 1-4% will we go back to in-person learning?

Beshear says it has to be more in depth than that.

Note: the positivity rate was the sole arbiter of previous shutdowns and mandates. Not as important bow we guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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