Another romanticized ‘Negro Narrative’ is the Help. Though it isn’t about slavery, it gets its plot from the outcome of slavery, segregation. It glorifies the civil rights movement into something everyone was doing, making it appear as a fad or trend.
Even the book the Help wasn’t based off of a true story. Come to find out that a women sued for using her likeness to make a character out of. This is a problem that is grand. Using people to boost yourself and gain traction and then leaving them behind with nothing. and finally a slave narrative that is mostly true and based off of a real man. 12 years is a very hard movie to watch due to its real nature. It’s so hard to watch that many black people couldn’t bare to watch it.
Personally, I believe 12 years is one of the most powerful slave narratives I have watched. It is a movie everyone should have to watch once, only once because one time is enough. It is so unbearable which is the exact point. It makes slavery feel SO unbearable unlike others.
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