Why I have such issues with cosmetic surgery, a thread:
(and before you come @ me, I'm not talking about burn victims, trauma, reconstruction, trans, e.t.c, purely cosmetic reason)

1) It's not about "fixing insecurities" if only women feel the need to do it.
2) Cosmetic surgery largely targets women (90%), and procedures are created to meet the demand of whatever society wants you to be insecure about
3) It perpetuates the idea that women need to "fix" their bodies through the availability of surgery.
4) At 5-10k per surgery, it's expensive and is a large source of debt for women, who are still getting 75cent to a dollar a man makes
5) Many surgeries (i.e rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery) contribute to Eurocentric beauty standards instead of celebrating diverse bodies
6) Majority of plastic surgeons are men (85%) making a living off of women's bodies and their insecurities. This contributes to the hero complex + the male gaze.
7) There are more surgeries to fix a woman's appearance than there are for men (breast, tummy tuck, mommy make over, BBL, labioplasty)
8) Instead of encouraging women to love their bodies as is, the concept of there being a "surgery to fix your insecurities" perpetuates the need
9) Men do not equally feel the pressure to get plastic surgery.
10) It's not about freedom of choice of getting plastic surgery for women if men have never "given" the choice to begin with.
11) Yes I understand society is largely to blame for pressuring women to get plastic surgery, but as doctors we need to make sure that we're not handing people tools that perpetuates harmful societal ideals
12) I understand people have the freedom to do whatever they want with their bodies and it's there choice to go under the knife, but I truly don't think it's a freedom of choice when men don't equally feel the need to do it.
13) Realize that until 50% of plastic surgeries are on men, it's not equality.
PS. I can literally make an entire different thread on how cosmetic surgery hurts POC too
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