Slurs like “Chinazi” & “Xitler” are part of an anticommunist tendency of WWII revisionism.

The West likes to portray itself as the great Nazi-slayers. In reality, the Soviets played the deciding role in the European front; Hitler took inspiration from US genocide and Jim Crow.
The US empire painted itself as the liberator of the world following WWII, erasing the massive efforts of USSR and China, as well as the US use of the war for imperial expansion.

This sets the stage for today’s propaganda of "spreading democracy" through war and intervention.
The US folded a revisionist WWII history into the Cold War to argue that fascism and communism were essentially interchangeable as foreign threats to the Western liberal order.

US welcomed Nazi scientists into the military while preparing to confront the new Communist enemy
This propaganda finds new life in the New Cold War on China. Equating China to Nazi Germany, the U.S. fashions itself as a heroic liberator rather than an imperial aggressor.

Constant allegations of Chinese “atrocities” fuel a narrative of U.S. intervention as moral necessity
The real insult of the pejorative “Chinazi” and “Chinese nationalist” is that China prides itself on its role in the war against fascism. China’s history of national liberation is part of the broad Third World struggle for sovereignty and self-determination.
The greatest equivalent to Nazism today is the same nation that inspired German atrocities: the white supremacist, imperial United States.

To project Nazism onto China—a country with a long struggle against fascism and colonialism, is the height of imperial arrogance.
Not to mention that the U.S. is currently rehabilitating literal Japanese fascists and imperial apologists, simply because Japan is a convenient ally in U.S. anti-China "containment" policy.

Never trust the U.S. as a compass of geopolitical morality or legitimacy.
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