
ppl r asking how's Jacob Blake shot in the back 7x, and Kyle Rittenhouse is handed a water bottle

the answer is although 🇺🇸 is a great nation, racism is A MOST DANGEROUS LIE that has snuck its way into leadership - since day 1

to be clear - this is not a partisan issue / political statement

i'm just calling out truth

and in doing so, providing evidence in the form of quotes from leaders on both sides of the aisle, from founding fathers until today


"Amalgamation with the other color, produces degradation to which no lover of his country, no lover of excellence in the human character, can innocently consent."

- Thomas Jefferson (Founding Father, 3rd President)


"Generally idle and depraved; Appearing to retain the bad qualities of the slaves with whom they continue to associate, without acquiring any of the good ones of the Whites."

- James Madison (Founding Father, 4th President)


"There is a physical difference between the White and Black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races of living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch..."

- Abraham Lincoln (continues on)

"...as they cannot live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."

- Abraham Lincoln (16th President)


"This government was not founded by Negroes nor for Negroes, but by White men for White men. The inequality of the White and Black races was stamped from the beginning."

- Jefferson Davis (Senator, Mississippi)


"It is vain to deny that [Black Americans] are an inferior race - very far inferior to the European variety. They have learned in slavery all that they know in civilization."

- Andrew Johnson (17th President)


"A perfectly stupid race can never rise to a very high plane; the Negro, for instance, has been kept down as much by lack of intellectual development as by anything else."

- Theodore Roosevelt (26th President)


"I stand for the national policy of exclusion. We can't make a homogenous population of people who do not blend with the Caucasian race. Oriental Coolie-ism will give us yet another problem and surely we have already had our lesson."- Woodrow Wilson (28th President)


"I know there are times when an abortion are necessary - when you have a Black and a White [interracial pregnancy] or a rape."

- Richard Nixon (37th President)


See how the LIE of Thomas Jefferson found its way 100s of years later to Nixon?

In an effort to remain as non-partisan as possible in this message of objective truth I'm seeking to deliver, I'm not including any more recent quotes

but they exist, and easy to find


Here's a challenge for each American in 2020:

"Do your morals define your politics, or do your politics define your morals?"

without proactively electing officials that will be champions of truth, justice, unity and equality - we're just going to keep letting the LIE that is racism fester

my plea to my fellow Americans is that from 2020 onward, we let our votes and our voices reflect our morals and not our party lines

i want to give credit where it's due to w@danielhill1336- -. .

i need to give credit @danielhill1336 - who's been fighting for justice for years, and whose message made me aware of these quotes.

. @danielhill1336's books 'White Awake' and 'White Lies' are great resources for confronting White supremacy. For more quotes like these and other objective truths I'd take a look

"America is great when we behave greatly."

- Julia Jackson (mother of Jacob Blake)


Against all odds, all craziness that is 2020, let this be a cornerstone moment for our country where we let the heart of who we are as people and a nation stand over self-preservation and party feuds.

Let our morals define our politics, our votes

ICYMI - I right really (or rarely?) important random thoughts on racial justice, venture capital, and other random topics.

🖤🙏🏾🖤 https://rirts.substack.com/ 
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