I was raised Southern Baptist. It's tantamount to spiritual MK-Ultra 👇

"The theory has garnered criticism from multiple Christian leaders, including Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler Jr."
When preachers lie 👇

"On an episode of his podcast, “The Briefing,” posted online on Monday, Mohler compared QAnon and conspiracy theories in general to the early church heresy of Gnosticism."
I despise legalism. These are the same kind of religious zealots that crucified a radical thinker 2000 years ago 👇

"Author and pastor Joe Carter denounced QAnon...labeled QAnon a “political cult” and “satanic movement”
I wouldn't be surprised if we find out a lot of Evangelical Pastors have been boofing little boys while making a ton of money off it.
If anyone should be leading this movement and on the front lines of this battle...it should be preachers.

This ends my rant.

But remember what Q said:

Those who scream the loudest


Those you are taught to trust most
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