In this thread, I will say what I think about She-Ra: The Exit Interviews Panel Two and the fandom's reactions to it.

If your feelings are still raw about that subject, I kindly ask you to ignore this thread entirely. 🙇
SPOP is an amazing show for many reasons. It has touched the hearts and changed the lives of many people. I will never again be the person I was before watching it.

But it is NOT perfect. Some things could have been handled better for sure.

Mara's She-Ra form, for instance. 😢
That said, the diversity and representation in SPOP are still miles better than in every single cartoon I grew up with.

It is possible to celebrate the progress that has been made without denying or dismissing the issues left to fix.
For me, the core of SPOP's message is:
Nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes. You have to acknowledge you did wrong and work to fix things. Then, and only then can you be redeemed.
There is also, of course, a clear underlying message of cooperation and solidarity. The whole show reinforces that in-fighting weakens us and standing up as one makes us stronger.

"We're right beside you, ready to fight" 🎶
Because that is how SPOP resonates with me, it is painful for me to see the fans fight each other about whether Crew-Ra deserves to be canceled.

If you have felt offended by anything said by anyone on that panel, your feelings are VALID. You have a right to demand an apology.
But the way demands are framed matters a lot.
If you care AT ALL about getting more diversity in creative teams, better representation in future shows, or new SPOP content...
Please consider how this situation will likely be viewed by executives at Netflix and other networks.
You might think: "They won't want backlash, so next time they'll hire POC creators, make better representation and avoid offensive content at all times."
Sadly 😢, it's more likely they'll think: "None of this backlash would have happened if SPOP was as white as the original..."
Think about it: Would anyone care about the (awful) Sow pun if Bow, George, and Lance were white?
Would any disabled fan have written an email if there were no "beautiful imperfections" on the show?
We, as a fandom, have been clamoring for more official SPOP content for MONTHS. Weekend after weekend. Trending our love for SPOP and desire for more.
And when Crew-Ra gets together to answer questions and talk candidly about behind-the-scenes stuff (some of it problematic 😞)...
Instead of rejoicing and asking for MORE, the fandom explodes. 🧨
Part of it leaves, part of it goes on the offense, part of it just grieves and hunkers down, hoping for better days to come. 😭
Think like a Netflix exec for a second. Why would they want to touch this landmine of a fandom EVER again? It doesn't matter how much money is on the table... it's not worth the risk.
But enough negativity! 😅
I did not make this thread to announce I'm giving up on SPOP. Quite the contrary.
I think this latest ordeal is a TEST. 😼
It is an opportunity for people in the fandom to decide if they are fans or stans.
What does SPOP represent for you?
Is it just a show you enjoyed and can move on from?

Or is it so meaningful to you, you are willing to take a stand and make an effort?
Will you find every bit of strength that you have and never let it go? 🎶
I'm nowhere near ready to give up on SPOP. I will do my best to produce more content and share it with whoever is still in the fandom when things cool down.

To you who read all the way to the end, I have but two things left to say:
- Thank you 🤗
- We're gonna win in the end 🎶
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