Biden condemning riots after @DonLemon and @davidaxelrod saying it was affecting the polls and helping Donald Trump is what we call too little, too late.

It also clarifies there error. Let let this go on and tacitly endorsed it. Even at their convention. That stupid Billy /1
Porter video was a damn near tribute to the violence in the streets. They had Linda Sarsour and Tamika Malloy, who are agitating in Kentucky right now speak. Elizabeth Warren had B-L-M blocks strategically stationed behind her in an empty classroom. They tried to position what /2
is going on in cities today as the continuation of Selma and John Lewis' "good trouble". Lots of black and white film of another time over half a century ago. Democrats accuse Trump of looking backwards. Their candidate has been in office for 50 years and they assert America /3
has made no progress since those black and white reels. Some on their far left say it is worse today. Yet they all support the continued oppression of largely black and brown children in failing inner city schools based on their zip code to pick up sweet cash from the /4
communist teachers unions. Note is said teachers unions. Not teachers. Go take a walk through the 800 files @glennbeck has released from a whistleblower. There is no other way to classify the NEA.

Now they will condemn the riots after dozens of lives have been lost, billions /5
in damage has been done and thousands of livelihoods have been destroyed. Much of this devastation has occurred in the very minority communities whose votes Democrats think they own. Psst...they let it happen. Their Mayors and Governors are in charge. They could have leveraged /6
the power of the DNC and future support or funding to bring these horrible local leaders in line and keep communities safe. They didn't. Cuz they thought it would hurt Trump. It didn't. It hurt them with voters as it should. Craven political malpractice that cost lives. And /7
make no mistake. They will do it again if they believe it is in their political interest. remember Ferguson and Baltimore? Room to Destroy? All meant to sow racial division before 2016. Because it is all they have. Their "ideas" have failed everywhere they have been tried. /8
Their energy policy will give you rolling blackouts like California. It will make us dependent of foreign oil and more likely to get into needless wars. Their foreign policy will embolden China and Iran and make the world less safe. Their globalist tendencies will make /9
Americans less prosperous. But it will all benefit the D.C. establishment. That's why our establishment gimps that profit over terrible policy for regular Americans are all voting for Biden. Sorry to the Bernie Bros, but our grassroots movement reformed our party. You all are /10
getting scraps from a septuagenarian socialist who has sold out twice. You should be furious. Come help us drain the swamp.

After four years in office Donald Trump is still the outsider. Quite the accomplishment. Scream it with me: /end
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