Lack of virtue on Twitter is not entirely separate from who you are off of Twitter. If you act like a troll on Twitter, never listening and calling anyone and everyone who disagrees a disgrace to their profession, your calm reflections on podcasts don't cancel this out.
In fact, Lindsay's own point that "professors agree with you because they have sold out their profession" means he gets this! How you argue online is, while easier than other actions, still determines who you are, in part. And yet, he will never apply this standard to himself.
If you openly argue online to engage in bad faith, then it becomes truly hard to believe your sincerity offline. This isn't unreasonable, however, because you're claiming you act in bad faith in order to cynically advance your agenda. This is something that *should* shift priors.
Calling someone a hypocrite on Twitter is trivial. Twitter debases us all, so by even Tweeting this I have made myself a clown. I acknowledge this! I am a deeply unserious person in many ways, and this is *reflected* by my behavior on Twitter. But, many need to deny this truth.
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