Yo Im scared of the country I was born in, generally fearful everyday and I’m white.
Like being queer, (trans/non-binary) I feel like I walk around with a target on my back everyday. IN MY OWN HOMETOWN, everywhere honestly. This past weekend in Maine I wore my hair tucked into my hat and wore more “cis male” clothes and I still got crazy ass looks bc I’m tatted.
My whole life I’ve always been scared of trucks (sounds stupid but it’s real as fuck) like my whole life trucks drive by me while I’m walking and honk, scream something out the window, I’ve even had a few things thrown at me. It’s morbid af but I’m just waiting for the day...
I get shot or they pull over and attack me. This country needs to change, only some people are safe here and that’s horrifying. It pisses me offer when people don’t think about that. Like YOU might be safe but not everyone is and that’s something you’ll never experience!!!
Even my own dad can’t comprehend how scared and unsafe I feel around certain areas or when I see certain people. I literally will dress differently/act differently in certain areas and that’s sooo fucking sad to me, why can’t I just be me???!
I’m scared to “come out” as trans/non binary to everyone bc I’m scared of the hate/lack of respect I’ll receive (obv I know you’ll bitches and others will love me) but not everyone will be for it but that doesn’t matter. UGH OMFG WHAT IS THIS WORLD!!?!?!
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