Make sure to watch Anya on @phoenix_de tonight at 10:15PM!
and stay tuned here for our (properly threaded) live tweet of #phoenixrunde.
And it's begun! In contrast to last week's show Anya Leonhard and George Weinberg are both in the studio with the host.
The host with a question to Weinberg: Why are the Trumps speaking?

Weinberg: Ivanka and Jared are his advisors.

Ok, and the rest of the Trumps who are speaking?
Anya brings up the point that the Republican convention hasn't dealt with the realities of the external world: neither the police violence crisis, nor the COVID19 pandemic are mentioned at the convention.
Peter Rough, another guest, seems to minimize Trump's responsibility for the reaction to the pandemic.
Anya declares that the pandemic is absolutely an election-decider. It's top of mind for most Americans, between it's threat to life and impact on the economy!

The democrats will be positioned as the party of science, the party of calm.
Weinberg is asked "What did Trump do wrong?"
Weinberg reformulates the question: "What did Trump do right?"

We agree--that's a MUCH shorter list.
Rough wants to expand the debate about the handling of the coronavirus crisis to include such things as "will schools open? The Democrats want school online, and the Republicans want in person lesson."

That seems too far: Democrats want people to be safe.
And now it comes to electoral manipulation. Anya points out Trumps classic moves: predicting cheating, meanwhile Trump cuts funding for #USPS, he attempts to suppress votes.
Weinberg: "Trump can't fix USPS problems in the last 3 months before the election. "

Excuse us! The mail worked fine until July when DeJoy started messing with it!!!!!
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