
Some thoughts regarding the discomfort some leftist Jews have expressed regarding the protestor who spray painted ā€œfree Palestineā€ at synagogue in Kenosha.

Iā€™ll move past the presence of the Israeli flag at the Beis Hillel that has already been discussed at length.
The tension between Blacks and Jews in America is known; however there is a long history of alliances between Jewish and Black radicals. That relationship is also fraught.

I recommend this essay from 1981.

The biggest points of contention. Weā€™re regarding Black radicals wish to show solidarity with Palestine and the role of Jewish American business owners in Black neighborhoods. This often led prominent Jewish liberals to divest from groups like the SNCC
As a result there was pressure on Black activists to temper their messaging and limit the extent of their grievances. It also required them to carefully navigate their own expressions of oppression. Paulo Friere writer of pedagogy of the oppressed would take issue with this.
The relationship became counter productive and did harm to the movement. Itā€™s a era of Jewish/Black relations that manny gloss over.
So, what are Jews to do? Ignore antisemitism? No. But it is important to recognize the chasm in social positionality. And that reactions to perceived antisemitism carry much more weight than many actual antisemitic words and actions.
Even with the best of intentions many white people take on paternalistic attitudes towards the Black people they are trying to help. Leftist Jewish groups are no different. This is a reflection of the social caste system of American white supremacy.
It is important to acknowledge the inherent inequity in these partnerships that span racial and cultural divides. Which at times requires ceding oneā€™s grievances.
I donā€™t believe this means never standing up for oneself or in this case calling out antisemitism, but there are times to sit back and times to be firm. It takes experience, sensitivity, flexibility and the ability to listen to know when each is appropriate
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