Wealth comes down to a simple formula

It's so simple yet most struggle with it

Let's go over why that is in

"Assets & Liabilities"


For those of you who may be wondering...

An asset is something you own that will earn you money over time

A liability is something that will cost you money over time

Some examples of assets are:

- Land
- Stocks
- Inventory
- Real estate
- Intellectual property
- Certificate of deposits

Some examples of liabilities are:

- Cars
- Bank debt
- Your house
- Credit card debt

The simple formula is

Assets - liabilities = net worth

The problem most people face is that they own more liabilities than they do assets

Why is that?

One of my favorite quotes is

"Wealth is quiet. Rich is loud. Poor is flashy."

A poor mindset has led to people feeling a need to look rich now

What good comes from looking rich when in reality, you're broke?


How can you build assets rather than liabilities?

Here are some easy ways:

1. Buy growth stocks/ETFs
2. Buy dividend paying stocks
3. Sell a product on Gumroad/Teachable/Udemy/etc

Each of these options can pay you handsomely

Not sure how you'll be able to build these assets over time?

Keep reading...

For those of you looking to buy growth stocks/ETFs

The Big Picture is the way to go

You'll have everything you need at your fingertips

- Long-term investment ideas
- Weekly trades with buy/sell/target points
- 1 on 1 help if needed https://gum.co/TheBigPic 

For those of you looking to buy dividend paying stocks

Check out @DivCultivator

I'm no affiliate, but he has one of the best dividend books out

Dividends aren't my specialty, but there I can always learn more

You won't regret picking up his course...

For those of you looking to create a product to sell

Check out @joserosado

I picked up his "E-Book Printing Machine" course some time ago

I've been using it to help me write my course

Trust me, he can teach you how to write your course

Building assets isn't as difficult as it seems to be

Instant gratification makes it difficult

Rather than thinking about today

Think about where you want to be tomorrow

You owe it to yourself to do this
You can follow @TheJoyfulTrader.
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