Racism isn't what conservative neoliberals define as "private sentimentality/prejudice" nor what progressive neoliberals define as "the net effect of the private sentimentality/prejudice of the majority population on public policy"-- it is THINKING IN THESE TERMS
It's not "racist" to acknowledge difference in empirically derived measure of xyz metric. It *is* just as "racist" to suggest that these differences do not exist as it is to suggest that policy should be informed by these measurements. The former still is informed by "ignoring"
The Progressive Neoliberal conception of Human Universality is "Total equality in empirical measure"-- the Conservative Neoliberal conception of Human Universality is "Total equivalence in empirical measure"-- that's why the conservatives quote MLK now.
The only actual "anti-racist" position is to deny the importance of "empirical measure" on public policy entirely. One does not give "less right" to someone who is shorter or taller, dumber or smarter, slower or faster-- one recognizes the "human universality" beyond these traits
Progressive Neolibs say: "We must govern the *lesser* in measurement by *equalizing* their measure by means of engineering"

Conservative Neolibs say: "We must govern equivalently & refuse to acknowledge difference in measure (except when we do it subconsciously & deny it)"
The "radical right" (eugenics) neoliberals are saying "We must consciously assert difference in measure as evidence of the complete erasure of *human universality* & instead direct policy toward the elimination of the *poor in measure* & the promotion of the *great in measure"
In this sense-- the eugenicists are the ones who are "saying the quiet part loud" of the actual fundamental logic of neoliberalism-- while Conservatives "ignore this fundamental logic" & the Progressives base their entire worldview on "inverting" that fundamental logic.
The inversion of a false logic is not the truth-- but that's what progressives think. Removing acknowledgment of this fundamental logic & sublating it in the Bourgeois Ideology of Equivalence-- is what conservatives think.
So yeah-- the Conservatives are racist & also the Progressives are racist-- the only "antiracist" position is the one that asserts that policy should be informed by Human Universality & the Public Good.
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