Men be enabling some of the very issues they complain about with women but that’s another topic for another day.
Y’all put up with the very issues you complain about and don’t say shit or stay in those situations for sex, shelter, food, just to have someone etc. my empathy for y’alls experience is limited b/c y’all be putting up with it b/c the sex is good 🤷🏾‍♀️
Y’all: women suck at accountability

Me: so only date accountable women

Y’all: that’s not a lot!

Me: then stay single til you find one

Y’all: that’s unrealistic

I mean....isn’t that what y’all tell us to do?? Just say y’all will put up with whatever for the minimum and go.
Y’all be having valid issues now don’t get me wrong. But I’m not hearing the whole “y’all can’t handle the reality of things” b/c if she can’t handle it, then leave. Why stay and put up with it? Yall act like you don’t have a choice lmao
Moral of the story: a lot of these romantic issues men have with women, not only aren’t communicated, but y’all put up with why would she change? Y’all complain behind her back then gas her in her face....why. Would. She. Change.....?
And even if you communicate it and it’s not received STILL stay lmaoo if someone isn’t doing right by you, call them out and leave if things don’ improve. Don’t complain if you’re not actively doing anything about it and aiding in the behavior continuing.
Her behavior isn’t your fault no, but you have responsibility in putting up with it or not. If she doesn’t take constructive criticism well, you decide if you want to deal with it or not. If you don’t, leave. You don’t put up with it then complain privately. That’s enabling.
Do women need to do better with receiving criticism and holding ourselves accountable? Absolutely I’ve seen this issue firsthand. But what are you going to do about it in the meantime? These are not issues you HAVE to interact with. Control what you have control over.
I just want men to realize y’all have valid issues, but enable said issues in the name of her being attractive, “crazy” having WAP, etc. and as long as you value the superficial over your self-respect and treatment, these issues will persist. But what do I know🤷🏾‍♀️
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