heads up btw: the (first-ever) English translation of the extremely meta seminal JRPG game Moon Remix RPG Adventure, done by @oniongames, is out today on the Switch! https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/moon-switch/
Moon (as far as i can tell) was an inspiration on both Undertale and also the awesomely creepy youtube fake game series Petscop
here's @tobyfox, creator of Undertale, explaining why Moon Remix RPG Adventure was an inspiration for him: https://twitter.com/tobyfox/status/931655092264108032?lang=en
moon is maybe something that could use like a highly visible endorsement from Western/Japanese devs as a selling point for its Western release like Quentin Tarantino did with the movie Chungking Express, lol
oh i should mention that @han_tani, of Anodyne 1/2, Even the Ocean, All Our Asias, etc did a partial English let's play of Moon several years back which explains several things about the game:
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