Brazilian Racial "lived truth"

There are some people here that really don't like non-whites — and I know that because some of my oldest relatives are kinda disgusting in this regard.

Both my parents have Europeans grandparents and they also have at least one European parent.
My family is here a little less than a century, and I have a Welsh grandmother that come here only to marry, around 1950. To me all this is only a curiosity, but some people think I really am "better" because my some of my ancestrals were dumb enough to come here :p
Most families have a strong mixed "racial" pattern. I wrote "racial" because it is not a matter of culture and identity, only phenotypical heritage. My cousins are all pretty "racially" diverse: but they inherited our distintive green eyes, while I don't have this trait.
Brothers have very distinct skin colors or shades, eye colors, type of hair, hair color, etc... Brazilian families usually have big phenotypical diversity. As I mentioned, it is hard to really think "racially", because we see physical traits diverging inside almost each family.
Despite that, there are people really concerned with "race", here. They are typically old ones that are averse to non-whites or dumb racialist somewhat anti-white-ish.

People of the first group are generally not openly racist.
They are strongly averse to accept non-whites inside family. They can think non-whites are worse, or even just dislike their physical traits without any moral judgement, but they react in a ferocious way to non-whites engaged with their relatives.
And that is important to note: their younger relatives are usually giving no fuck for that prejudice. And a quick view over our mixed beutiful young people explains why a strong racial way of thinking is not sucessfull here: all the world wanna fuck our mixed beauties.
(PS.: overall, as anywhere else, Brazilians are not particularly hot or pretty, as the majority of humans are "meh" or a little ugly... the point is: families are mixed here, so among the rarer strikling hot or pretty people, most of them are mixed, because we are mixed).
The younger racialists are those who just imported American racial issues, through militant hard-left on Academia. They tend to ignore the STRONG prejudice against poor people, all of them, no matter how they look, to think in a segregated racial pattern that is alien to Brazil.
Americans are weird in this regard. They have some crazy things like "Black neighborhood", "Black dialect", "Black food", "Black churches" and all kinds of "Black pocketed things". And the same with "Asian", "Latino", etc...
Formerly, they had these pockets regarding Irish, Italian, Catholic... Since centuries ago, American society is strongly formed by justaposition of religious and ethnical "pockets" that are loosely conected by formal institutions.
These American "pockets" toke even an official structure back then, when there were segregating laws. Black people used to go to pocketed schools, drink pocketed water, etc. That is crazy as fuck to me, as Brazil barely had safe water to do pocketed access to it, hahahaha
Seriously now. While Black people went to Black schools in America, there were Black professors in the best Brazilian Universities. Black teachers in the common schools.
Is there racism in Brazil ? Sadly there is. Racism here is quite different from American segregated culture.

But there are stronger class prejudices here.
Most skyscraper bildings have a "service lift". If you can pass for a resident (or white-collar worker), you may use the regular lift. Otherwise you can only use the segregated lift.
What you are wearing, how you speak, your gestures and your familiarity with luxury items determine what lift you may take, not your skincolor.
If you are a black lady with an "Afro-style" hair, wearing fine, expensive clothes and some jewery, you surely will take the regular lift.
If you are a blond guy wearing cheap clothes, a "rapper hat", cheap sunglasses and speaking "poor people Portuguese", you can oly take the service lift.
Therefore, how you behave, what are you wearing, how much are you displaying you aren't from a poor community predict how people will treat you. If you seem "not poor", they will treat you well, even better as you display distinctives of higher classes.
A blue-eyed, blond-haired "mano" will be trated at least with a big suspiction (they will think he may be a criminal), while a Black woman on high-heels and tailleur, bringing a small and unpractical bag will be very nicely treated.
In Brazil, if you look "non-poor", not rich, but "non-poor", you will be nicelly treated. Take a Norwegian guy, convince him to wear "poor people clothes", and he will be somewhat harshly treated — and I already did it as a joke with a Norwegian friend.
Years ago I convinced a Norwegian colleague travelling here to wear "mano cloth" and we went to a fancy mall. In less than 5minutes the security guys were following him. And when he tried to take a picture, they expelled him from the mall !
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