I cannot state this enough:

The fact that bad actors are exploiting racial issues in America does *NOT* mean that racial issues don't exist in America.

Quite the CONTRARY.

The reason they are able to exploit them is because there ARE racial problems in America.

I am disheartened to see people getting emotionally triggered on this point.

Unless we call out the bad actors, many of whom are hiding in wolf's clothing, we cannot begin to solve the problem.

And, unfortunately, the history of subversion and disinformation that has

targeted minority populations in America goes back many decades.

And now, in 2020, it is not just Russia, Cuba, Iran, and North Korea engaging in this kind of warfare.

It is now also transnational organized crime.

But they don't wear badges and name tags.

Hence, if you

are taking your news at face value, if you are trusting every person and organization who says something that appeals to your ideological ideals, without vetting them, you are getting sucked into the disinformation vacuum.

Let me tell you some dark truths I have learned over

years of vetting and background checking.

Do you want to find people who traffic kids?

Go to the yellow pages and look up organizations that claim to fight human trafficking. That's your best place to start.

That's the REAL world.

I'm sorry that that's dark and scary.

I'm sorry that that doesn't conform with the reality you believed in.

I'm sorry if it offends.

Deception is a very real thing.

HOis don't announce themselves to the world. But they hide in plain damn sight.

Agents of influence...we've had that conversation.


organized crime does the same damn thing.

They hide behind ideological views.

Isn't the recent indictment of Steve Bannon a perfect example?

"Let's build the wall!"

When Bannon and company were really just stealing money from a bunch of Trumpers.


But if you believe that only a bunch of Trumpers are being targeted in this way, I am sorry to disappoint you.

There is a REASON that the FBI is retasking their organized crime experts on Portland.

Our ideological views are being weaponized AGAIN.

We are being polarized AGAIN.

What could be more noble than standing up for the civil rights of African Americans? Right?

And there's the entry point.

There is the emotional hook that locks you in.

There is the data

point that locks you in, to the exclusion of all other viewpoints.

Because it is COMPELLING.

Because racism DOES exist.

And because we ARE seeing horrendous videos circulating around, showing seemingly indefensible acts by white cops against black men.

Only one problem.

They are videos.

And they do NOT tell us the whole story.

They are compelling because our "eyes don't lie".

But they do not provide us with the entire story.

I want to ask you all to ponder why Cuban intelligence suck-up Jesse Jackson is in Kenosha today.

Do you believe it is because his actions will, in ANY way, help raise the black community in Kenosha?

Because I will tell you RIGHT NOW...

It didn't help MLK in ANY WAY when he made a beeline into the hotel room that fateful day in Memphis, when the telephone rang.

And do you remember where James Earl Ray was headed, when he was caught outside Heathrow?

Southern Rhodesia.

You know...

Southern Rhodesia. Where the Cuban and Soviet governments were ramping up the Rhodesian Bush War.

Or maybe that isn't compelling enough for you.

Maybe you need to ask how and why it is that the founders of the Black Panther Party, whose efforts have NEVER

actually helped the black community, tried to defect to Cuba.

So let's look at the obvious for a moment.

Who benefits the most when we defund police departments?

Organized crime.

And let's expand on this a little...

Who benefits the most when we abolish ICE, who partnered with DOJ in 2009, in order to stop human trafficking at

our borders?

Organized crime.

I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but we are living in a construct built on disinformation.

I am personally astounded, because I have never witnessed such a conprehensive and collective failure by the mainstream media.

Those of us who try to share the truth are branded as liars, conspiracy theorists, and sometimes even racists and stalkers.

No matter what, if you tell the truth, you will offend most everyone.

So I implore people to dig deeper.

Question EVERYTHING that triggers your


Because I can almost guarantee you that someone is TRYING to trigger you.


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