the logo is like this
so far i've seen three Atlake films:
1. JAMES, a horror thriller about a child named James who is every age at once. it's low budget so when James is on screen he looks like a blob of tv static
2. JAMES II, the sequel. they got more money for it so you can actually see James shapeshift constantly between being a baby, an old man and every age in between. the tagline is "THE WORLD WILL FINALLY SEE... JAMES"
3. a literally endless CGI children's film about different cultures around the world. the camera flies from place to place and grotesquely animated people and creatures dance and wave. didn't catch the name but it was aesthetically horrifying to me & i couldn't escape the theater
they may have also had a hand in a tv show i dreamed, where two celebrities talked about the day's news from the deck of a small yacht. at some point the newscasts started featuring more and more intercuts of Softcake, an enormous monster made of cake who was also on the boat
Softcake looked like this but made of white cake. the dream was very scary because the boat, with Softcake aboard, was heading toward the coast and he would soon wreak havoc.
i will continue to post Atlake productions in this thread as they occur... it doesn't happen much but maybe this publicity will encourage them
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