I haven’t tweeted in a long time because there’s so much negativity on this app so I’ve tried to avoid it completely. But I feel compelled to say something about what is happening in this country.
I feel that as a Christian my loyalty is to God alone. I struggle with this all of the time but that is where my true loyalty should be. With that being the case it is my duty to stand up for injustice where ever it exists.
That being said, there is an issue with police brutality in this country and especially with African Americans. This has to change. It hurts my heart to see so many people hurting and in grief over the way African Americans are treated by police officers.
I want to see change. I want protect and serve to become more than an ideal. I want everyone that comes in contact with police to be able to walk away from it. Everyone deserves to go home to their family at the end of the day.
I don’t know what the answer is but I know that the answer is not shooting a man in the back seven times because he resisted arrest and they suspected a knife. All I know is there is a better way.
I believe that as a someone who is pro life that I cannot stand for anything else. I know that I don’t understand everything but I felt that I had to say something.
You can follow @evanberry20.
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