I just voted in our primary, and I discovered I was officially an “inactive voter” because I “had not completed the census.”
I 100% filed my census online last spring.
Yet I had to fill out additional paperwork to vote today.

This doesn’t make me feel better about November.
If I had tried to vote by mail, I suspect my application or my ballot would have been rejected I have no idea how I or anyone in my position could have fixed this in time.

The double-whammy of Trump sabotaging the census and the mail...
Vote EARLY IN-Person!
The notion that I was officially an ineligible “inactive voter” would be funny if it weren’t scary.

I am a hyperactive voter.
An obsessive-compulsive voter.

Never missed a significant primary or general election, even overseas.

Vote EARLY In-PERSON: https://shugerblog.com/2020/07/31/vote-early-in-person-not-mail/
It turns out this is a local Massachusetts census rule, not a federal abuse...
BUT this "inactive voter" rule apparently is a widespread local practice through local census rules around the country, and a potentially big problem for mail/absentee ballots & ballot requests.
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