There are a slew of black millennials that grew up in Christian homes going into African spiritualities, Hebrew Israelitism, atheism, neo-new agism, kemetic spiritualities, Nation of Islam, etc. b/c of many reasons! 1. 1Timothy 4:1-2, 2. Christianity in the west refuses to see
...itself as culturally captive to whitewashing & missiologically bankruptcy. Christianity in the west has no idea how culturally imperialistic and spiritually blind and a stumbling block it has been (Matthew 18:6).
3. Vehement resistance to racial justice. They read, see, and hear what you write and how you respond to racial injustice. Every response sounds like what the groups I mentioned say Christianity is “the white man’s religion.”
The absence of the church in this sphere looks and sounds the same as during slavery, Jim Crow, and civil rights. As they study history they see Christians make the excuses and false allegations and hid behind false biblical theology but they want to see Isaiah 58 and 61.
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