Those who argued for the *principle* — not just in this case but many others before it — that adults shouldn’t be judged by what they did as children are now depicted as having “defended revenge porn” & “championed an abuser” because online liberals can only discuss by smearing:
Go look at what was said about the very few of us defending Alex Morse before it was exposed as a fraud. All the same things: we were defending predators, apologizing for pedophilia, trying to justify non-consensual sex.

This is how liberals “reason.” It’s their sole discourse.
While on the subject of liberal discourse, I’ll return to this *viral* tweet that claimed — with zero specifics, let alone evidence — that @mtaibbi is “transphobic” that everyone should avoid. Huge numbers of liberal journalists spread it mindlessly. No evidence needed for guilt:
You can follow @ggreenwald.
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