From anecdotal evidence from those who were literally there, Gloucester Labour have had candidates and councillors during the Corbyn leadership who actively undermined him, refused to campaign with any material with his face and openly attacked leftist members in general meetings
There were instances where right wing members and councillors would put in official complaints against leftist members so frivolous it was ridiculous.
Of which I was personally, intimately familiar with as the subject of such complaints.
So anyone trying to tell me that there was nothing going on during the Corbyn years and are claiming the Leaks are nothing can honestly spin on my mid-digit.
But hey. I'm a leftie.
To the people in charge now, I don't matter.
My testimony and others in the same train of politics and thought are deemed cranks.
Why? Because the Labour right only believes in helping people when it benefits them politically or personally.
The second Corbyn came to power, the party right's anus' collectively clenched at the prospect of no more lucrative board positions and other revolving door roles.
It says alot that the new Labour Sec is diametrically opposed to party democracy in regards to the members.
Why am I saying all this?
I'm angry.
I'm utterly appalled at the treatment of members by the party right who have always seen us as a resource to exploit than a group to be listened to.
The PLP showed us disrespect.
The unelected Labour officers named in the Leaks showed worse.
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