As promised/threatened. Patriarchy carries with it the assumption that the male perspective is the default human perspective. So, previous (male) translators of Beowulf just did not see the...rambunctious, perhaps even flamboyant dudeness of it. This false universalizing...
actually excised much of the character of the poem and a whole lot of its potential FUN. I don't know if it's fair to say Beowulf is just dudes bullshitting each other, but that's not UNFAIR and also bullshitting can sometimes be a lot of fun. There can be artistry...
in bullshitting too. (In many viking cultures you were supposed to be able to compose poems on the spot) That type of artistry was also lost in previous translations. I'm not saying that Beowulf is only a poem for dudes, but that previous dude translators of it...
couldn't see its dudeness from their man-ness, presenting almost an expurgated text. Note: I haven't read the intro yet (I always read those after I finish a book), & I'm sure there's much more to what she's done with this. That's just my thrilled-by-what-I'm-reading take.
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