tw// suicide, abuse, grooming

considering the topic had brought up a lot of trauma i didn’t know i had, i figured it’d be best to finally speak on blccdyhellrandy. many people have come to me saying they were cheated on, forced into smut whilst being a minor and abused. when i—
was with him he did verbally abuse me a lot. he was constantly angry at me because of the illnesses i had. i have chronic fatigue which is excruciatingly painful and exhausting so i slept a lot. i woke up to him abusing and yelling at me over text because i wasn’t here all day.—
he called me degrading, hurtful names constantly and constantly forced me into smut i didn’t wanna do. he only talked sexually of me. a year later it’s genuinely had an affect on me. we had a fl daughter and my cc was FLOODED with people telling me to go kill myself and that i—
was manipulative because i wouldn’t let him see her for obvious reasons because i didn’t wanna write with him. he dated a minor fully knowing they were a minor. they’ve gotten away with so much shit and it’s so scary.

he’s constantly called out and people ignore it. he’s dated —
many girls under 18 “in secret” and constantly manipulated them into smut. he’s hurt and traumatised many people, including me. being told to “get over it” not even three months after it happened shows what type of person he is.

i hope no one goes through the same. thank you.
this was his stance when he was first called out about it. this is the type of person he is and always will be.
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