पृ॒च्छामि॑ त्वा॒ पर॒मन्तं॑ पृथि॒व्याः पृ॒च्छामि॒ यत्र॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ नाभि॑:।
पृ॒च्छामि॑ त्वा॒ वृष्णो॒ अश्व॑स्य॒ रेत॑: पृ॒च्छामि॑ वा॒चः प॑र॒मं व्यो॑म ॥
R V 1/164/34
@Sanjay_Dixit @Aabhas24 @khurshed @VandanaJayrajan
pic credit : @NotAgainRaj
Meaning: O learned person I ask you about the last boundary of the earth? I ask you about nature of the fecundating power of a virile person who is mighty like a horse.
I ask about the highest pitch of the Holy speech?
@Aadishakti_101 @harshasherni @tripathisam2020
Summary: The limit of the earth is sky and sky is spherical so earth is round .
There is another Richa in Rig Veda 10/22/14

अ॒ह॒स्ता यद॒पदी॒ वर्ध॑त॒ क्षाः शची॑भिर्वे॒द्याना॑म् ।
शुष्णं॒ परि॑ प्रदक्षि॒णिद्वि॒श्वाय॑वे॒ नि शि॑श्नथः ॥
@RajeevRanjanDU @Gaandivdhaari @BabaIndic
धरती अपने घुमने से सूर्य के आकर्षण को कम करती है या रोकती है जिस से यह सूर्य की और न खिचे
And this is possible only when earth is round not flat
@mehergardhBaloc @HinduTrad @ahindu_ @archersaggi
@Vaidehi____ @jhoola7 @sinhapurna13 @chitranayal09 @jamwal_rocky
One more richa from Yajur Veda 3/6
आयं गौः पृश्नि॑रक्रमी॒दस॑दन् मा॒तरं॑ पु॒रः।
पि॒तरं॑ च प्र॒यन्त्स्वः॑ ॥
Earth revolves in the space it revolves with its mother water in its orbit. It moves around its father, the sun.
@MissSingh04 @JAIN_24T @baghla1983 @DetheEsha
Some scholars generally give the reference of Rig Veda 10.58.3 & say that earth has 4 corners means it is flat for those I people I just want to say a commission is made by Macaulay& Hunter for adulterating the translation of our
@priyathedentico @Dvya_RA_ThORe @saffornita
Manuscripts here I am providing the exact translation of that richa too
यत्ते॒ भूमिं॒ चतु॑र्भृष्टिं॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥

जो तेरा मन गोल गेंद की तरह गोल सा रोने के कारण चारो दिशा में
@pardhu_leo @vinish_ind @amgaiton
झुकनी वाली भूमि की और दूर दूर जाता है तेरे उस मन को लौटाते जिस से यहाँ निवास व गति के लिए हो और हम अपने जीवन को उत्तम वो दीर्ध बना पाए है ज़मीन गोल है , चारो दिशाओ में झुकाने वाली है .
This Vedic richa is also saying that is round not flat. I am
@prashantiAshish @Pratyangira1
dedicating this thread to those who give the flat model of earth. Kindly have a read of it & see that earth is round not flat.

It is clear from the above thread that before @NASA & @isro our sages (Scientist) clearly knows that Earth is round
I would like to say thanks @Anshulspiritual sir who help me in writing this thread by providing his content . Now its time to put down my pen . Hope you will like this thread too
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Thanks & Regards !!!

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