I've trained my mind to flip any challenge or obstacle (when it comes to work / technical problems) into an opportunity.

Things that would have in the past stressed me the fuck out now make me energized, excited, & optimistic.

Sometimes I still catch myself viewing 1/4
technical challenges or obstacles in a negative light.

More & more often though I recognize the negative thought & immediately reframe the challenge into an opportunity.

An opportunity to learn something new, an opportunity to improve my expertise in something I already

know, the opportunity to learn a new system in my company, *any opportunity for growth* that I can see can change my outlook & therefore my mood.

As someone who's always struggled with anxiety & depression, this mindset helps me so much these days.

There's a book I read

a while back called "The Obstacle is the Way" that was pretty pivotal in how I approached things in my life, a lot of what I'm talking about here came from the perspectives I gained from that book.

I'd check it out if you like this kind of stuff - thanks @RyanHoliday 💯🙏
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