Good thread.

"Degradation of the larger system over time [can] potentially lead to collapse"

Example: the income gap disparity.

Those with economic advantage/power exploit and degrade the economic system by continually manipulating the system which expands the income gap....1/
...Eventually, the over-exploitation of the economic system will not only threaten the collapse of the very system that provided/created their economic power/advantage, but the collapse will also threaten their "gated" security, which only exists if that system remains intact. 2/
The very same traits (pathologically dysfunctional competitiveness/greed/ambition), that drove them to manipulate the system to get ahead, "present" (symptoms) w/such intensity/severity that they are unable to turn "it" off even when "it" threatens to destroy what it created. 3/
Because they're incapable of controlling their narcissistically/sociopathically-driven dysfunctionally competitive drives.

The things that drove them to acquire economic advantage and power, are the very same things that threaten destroy it and take it from them. 3/
We are seeing the degradation/exploitation of the system continue to play out during the Covid-19 crisis.

There's a saying in politics: "Never let a crisis go to waste".

Well, in this context, Trump, the GOP, and the predatory "donor class" have not "wasted" the Covid crisis.4/
For years, in preparation for the "browning of America", and a "minority majority" by 2045, the Right manipulated the political system through economic exploitation ("regimentation") to maintain "minority rule" explained here: 5/
As @SafaMote has pointed out, the Covid-19 crisis has resulted in the U.S. government printing $6 trillion, with a substantial portion of that money being "looted" by corporate America, many of which have ties to Trump's decades-long criminal enterprise.9/
.....and why have those "467 US billionaires seen their wealth increase by a grotesque $730,000,000,000 during the pandemic"? Here's one reason: 10/
Furthermore, the printing of that $6 billion dollars has devalued the money already in circulation. This means that those who are fortunate to still be working, have effectively experienced a pay cut, because what they take home each week is now actually worth less. 11/
And for those who are not still working, the fact that healthcare is tethered to employment that no longer exists, means they are enduring another form of economic oppression: lack of healthcare during a deadly pandemic. 12/
But yet, Trump, and the RNC want the country to focus on the looting that is occurring in response to police violence.

To be clear, destroying communities/businesses is counterproductive to the cause, and is a gift to Trump's re-election campaign....13/
....but when you watch a video of looters illegally stealing a television from a Best Buy, just keep in mind that when America's 467 billionaires saw their net worth increase by $730 billion...

...that $730 billion is the equivalent of approximately 1.5 billion HD TVs...

The BLM protests aren't just a movement about the color of skin, or even police violence against those of color.

The protests are also about the economic oppression of people of color.

Violence, and the threat of it, has historically been a tool used to implement it.

The civil unrest that we're seeing in response to the police violence is symptom of the degradation of a dysfunctional economic and political system.

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