It's hard for people to comprehend the cost of evacuation.

You need to IMMEDIATELY buy a full tank of gas ($30 if you beat the gouge)
3 days worth of water per person/pet ($5)
Canned or shelf ready to eat food for 3 days ($20)

$55 isn't bad....

We're not done
You need cash for AT LEAST 2 nights in a hotel. The out of state locations aren't dropping prices for evacuees


A gas tank only goes 400 miles, max, not counting traffic, so to get back home that's another $30

So they've been hit with an unexpected bill of $205 plus tax
For ONE healthy working adult that's quite a bit.

Now what about kids, the elderly, the disabled, single parents

That have been out of jobs since March?

That don't have internet and their government tv gets shit signal on a good day
People love to romanticize folks staying in their homes as that old lady in Fahrenheit 451 burning stubbornly with her books. But when these magical busses are unable to get down your tiny gravel road and you can't go a week without dialysis, What do you do?
If you're stuck working another shift at the grocery watching everyone panic buy while you're at the register. What do you do?
Do you have time to decide what goes and what stays? Where are your birth certificates? How will we fit the dog
Anyway, I've evacuated before. During Rita where we sat in the car for over 24 hours to get to Dallas (a 4 hr drive)

I've also been in floods, and went to school with a lot of Katrina victims. This is going to reshape the culture of the coastline.... again
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