cn tw meds pills chronic pain

I dont like the term "pain killers" for my pain related medications. none of them 'kill' it. They each alone and combined alter certain severe pains into different sensations and pains.
I'd love to start a space for people with long term chronic pain experiences to share the wicked-specific descriptors they give certain pains.
today, my right shoulder is flared. Its like it was stabbed an icicle that was both cold and on fire, with all the muscles and tendons being yanked out and tied into bows. I've lost the use of my right arm from it for about 10 hours.
The meds cocktail i can take for it in order to have this level of function havent 'killed' the pain. One has reduced the inflammation. Another has numbed my entire body giving a percentile of numbing to that location also. etc etc
I think if the people who got so moral panic about pain meds actually heard how each of the medications folks like me rely on work - they'd not be so scared.
If i had not taken any of my meds today, i'd be unable to move at all, and would most likely cause myself further injury possibly requiring hospital.
So the meds do a stand up job, exactly as prescribed and combined for.
There is an assumption that i only use meds too.
I have a neck brace, heat pad and vibe cushion on the go, strapped to my right upper torso. They all work together to let me type one handed here. Instead of lying on the floor wanting to die.
Learning about how there are dozens if not hundreds of types of pain sensation each with its own severity is exactly how i know how to mute or best navigate my MS and associated nerve damage and pain. Its too simplistic and inaccurate to say i am 'high'. I'm not.
That said, this has worn me out lol
So off for rotation of cold and warm on the floor.
The take home i want to get across is let the experts on pain decide what pain relief and options suit them best.
The expert is the person in pain.
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