early morning rant, just gotta speak my mind about something. sry lol.
okay it’s really been irking me that people keep telling all these athletes that they need to stay in their lane and that doesn’t make any sense. for one they’re human like you and they can speak on whatever they please. they’re constantly being called privileged crybabies or
whatever and i guess you’re right they are privileged, but they had to drag themselves out of hell for it. these people were primarily in the same situations as the rest of us they just make money from sports and all of a sudden their opinions are completely invalidated.
the privilege they have isn’t what people keep saying it is, their privilege comes with the fact that they have a massive platform that they can speak their mind to, and people will listen. i have utmost respect for giannis for doing what he did yesterday, he’s not afraid of
doing what’s right and i love him for that. it literally blows my mind that there’s so many people that think the police are 100% correct in any scenario (my dad included that’s why i’m making this thread). there’s nothing that justifies shooting someone with his back to you
7 times, like seriously where do you get off doing stuff like that? i’m not here saying all police are bad, but i think it’s time people just sat down and took a deep look into this country’s behavior. there is absolutely a stigma against black people in this country and i don’t
get how people can just deny it’s existence. i can not speak on my experience with the police because frankly i haven’t had any run ins with them in my life, and i’m thankful for that. but is that because i’m law abiding or because i’m white?
sorry for rambling like this so early in the morning but some of the things i have to listen to and read just pisses me off lol.
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