If you jump to the defense of someone who could not legally own or carry the AR15 he marched with and used to murder two people, but you can’t recall the name Philando Castile or what happened to him, save me the second amendment gun rights bullshit. You’re just a racist.
Stop for one second and think about how goddamn fucked up your little pea-brained ass mind has to be for you to justify the killing of Jacob Blake one day then jump to the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse the very next.
If that’s what your timeline looks like, you’re a racist. Call it what it is. Don’t let that R word scare you. Embrace it. Recognize what you fucking are.
And if you think in this day and age—the time of Dylann Roofs and Stephen Paddocks and James Holmes and Omar Mateens and too many goddamn names to remember—you marching around with an AR15 public is political discourse, you’re a fucking idiot. You’re a clown.
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