Integration hurt black society for 2 main reasons. It allowed white America to siphon black dollars away from our communities,& with the end of miscegenation laws,it helped further create a racial buffer class that is more often than not served to undermine black society.
A self hating sambette having babies with a white supremacist male produces another generation of anti black people.

A self hating sambozo procreating with a white supremacist female also creates the same problem for black society more often than not.
Before integration,we had no option but to support black businesses,& create BLACK (not biracial) families. This is the main reason elite white supremacists with lawmaking ability are ok with swirling,& any of us shopping in their stores. It weakens us as a people.
These other anti black non white groups know these things too. Why do you think they go out of their way to be economically,& socially homogeneous when it comes to marriage,& children? THEY UNDERSTAND WARFARE. It's YOU "we're all one race" morons that DO NOT get it!
While YOU (sambozo & sambette) think in terms of a consumer mind,& not that of a producer,ALL other anti black groups profit off of your stupidity.

While YOU (sambozo & sambette) continue to procreate with them,& work to undermine BLACK society,YOU speed up your own demise.
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