tired of wearing glasses? folks call you rude for not waving back when passing you by in the hallway? the moon is a giant blur at night? just. want. to. get. #lasik. done? go for it - a THREAD:
i got my lasik eye surgery done in the spring of 2018. my eyesight was deteriorating by the year. i was at -4.25 for my left eye and -4.75 for my right eye. i couldn't function without my glasses & my lens was thick, so it made my eyes look small. so i said nah, i've had enough.
i went to Lasik MD for their free consultation. i had zero pre-existing eye conditions, so i was told i could expect to recover 100% of my vision. 'twas gonna be 20/20 baby. the estimate was a total of $3800. they offered me monthly pay-off plans as well, with 0 interest. neat.
my surgery went well. it was a 15 minutes procedure. a slight prick (more than slight, i admit, i squeezed my toes). minus the little pain and blurry/watered quality, i was able to immediately tell that my eyesight had improved, most definitely.
i had to wear sunglasses outdoors, as well as indoors, for the next 24 hours. screens were off. no reading. mostly sleeping. lots of systane (eye drops). had a slight allergic reaction to the numbing drops used during surgery, so i had a runny nose. but no biggie.
i did have red splotches around the sclera, the white part of my eyes. this is not uncommon - during surgery, the process that is used to hold your eye in place can sometimes rupture blood vessels, causing clotting. i was not told about this & it pissed me off but just a tad bit.
word of advice: if you're planning your lasik surgery, make sure there aren't any special events scheduled at least a month post-surgery, so you can have time to get rid of the red splotches and not look like dracula manifest in, for instance, your bff's wedding. it takes time.
fast forward 2 years and counting: vision still 20/20, life beautiful and crystal clear.

moral of the story: consider lasik. i cannot stress this enough. at least go for a consultation. your quality of life will improve twenty-folds.

#lasik_MD #laser #eye_surgery #eyesight
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