You people elected this monster. He and his family have destroyed our democracy, fed the embers of hatred, and collapsed pur economy. All because he wanted to show that Black man, who had the audacity to be President, a thing or two. I don't care how sweet you are 1/
You knowingly put a racist, misogynistic, homophobe in office because you wanted to "drain the swamp," and you trusted Anton Arcane to do the draining. I've never seen so many people happily vote against the RIGHT THING jist to prove a point. 2/
America is only here if you're white, Christian (although that's questionable), worship your flag, and gun loving. You HAVE to LOVE your guns. That's non-negotiable. Pushing candidates to be more progressive is super frightening since they'll kill all the babies WITH the guns 3/
They took from you. I'm not sure what kind of low brow thought process one had to have to cast a vote for trump and his ilk, but those of you did have it. You openly mock people who want better, through believing science. You SEE the country burning and don't care. 4/
Because that guy in the WH said it isn't true. You parrot soundbites from him like you'll get a reward for doing so. We're six months into a pandemic because you thought it was just the flu and no big deal. 5/
I am so tired of you. Mocking Black people for wanting to live. Mocking immigrants for wanting to come here for a better life. Mocking women for wanting to be respected. Mocking anyone else for wanting rights. The ones you openly get when you can't understand you elected Satan 6/
Now, you're twisting your hateful lips to defend a 17 year old who WANTED to kill protestors and I can't make it make sense. The protestors who shouldn't have been out past curfew, but this 17 year old should have. One who crossed state lines with an automatic rifle. 7/
A 17 year old who was arrested with no bullets to his body. Who gets to live to smile his jerky smile into cameras while some sleazy lawyer attempts to humanize the scum he is. You people make me sick. God wanted Samaritans, and instead you give him Pharisees - you suck.
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