Hey good morning! today i think we need to have a discussion about She-ra and accountability. The jokes that noelle and the staff made were not one time jokes nor were they accidents. They've hurt many communities with these jokes, but first and foremost, the Black community
this thread is mostly directed at fellow white people bec im pissed seeing how few of us actually said anything abt this. especially among fans of Shera.
I myself am not Black, but as white people we need to be able to call out this behavior among our peers. the fact that these were excused as harmless "inside jokes" is very alarming. if the crew is casually joking about slavery enough for it to slip out in an +
extremely public livestream, i promise you that they are probably saying worse offline in their actual real lives. This is not something that is ok, this is not something that can be excused, and if you're white you can Not accept this apology from Noelle. +
Let's talk about the actual wording of the "joke" frok the livestream: "Bow's brother who works the fields... sow". Ask yourself why he is bow brother who "works the fields" and not like, Bow's farmer brother or Bow's brother who likes plants. +
the wording "works the fields" is directly drawn from the language used to describe the forced labor of enslaved Black people in the U.S. the wording alone proved that they KNEW the connotation of this joke and yet Noelle allowed it while continuing to profit off of +
having 'diversity' in her show (even tho some of her 'diversity' is literally a racially ambiguous cat but i wont go there rn). We as a community need to hold creators responsible. There NEEDS to be Black staff members on these shows. +
Though, in the case of steven universe, even having Black staff members wasn't enough to keep the crew from making racist jokes. so what can we do? first of all, we as white people can STOP ACCEPTING APOLOGIES THAT ARENT OURS. secondly, we need to hold this behavior +
accountable no matter who we see it from. from our friends and family irl to showrunners, politicians, and celebrities, if you see this kind of behavior you need to call it out. Black members of the community shouldn't have to be the only ones outraged, upset, and disappointed +
if you are a non-Black person you need to be vocal about this. If you care about Black lives genuinely you need to understand how hurtful and dangerous these "jokes" are. it is so easy for this to spiral into more overt racism.
also, Noelle having BLM in her bio while allowing this behavior in her crew shows that her participation and support for BLM was performative. The livestream also contained hurtful and alarming jokes about double trouble but im not going to get into that here.
This whole situation sucks. We need to make sure we are holding ourselves and others accountable. And if YOU are making jokes like this i hope this opened your eyes up to why you need to stop and do better. Do Better.
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