I love how y'all Coons are applauding a teenager who the police are willingly allowing to commit murder yet when Black men attempt to defend themselves in the same capacity they are murdered by the police. And your angry
You can call that Justice all you want. I call it Cooning.
What happens if some race Soldier tries to open fire on a protest I'm in.

I'm not a "black lives matter" protester I don't participate in "BLM" protests but I'm definitely out here with melanated people.

Are y'all Coons going to call us BLM protesters and applaud the shooter?
I'm willing to believe you are because half of you haven't even set foot on the ground.

Half of you don't realize that in some of these places people are protesting and just being labeled as BLM.

But you're so ignorant that you don't have the time to do the guesswork.
Places like here in Denver there is a large clutch of protesters who are only protesting to stop the unhoused people in Colorado from being swept by the city and displaced.

if a race Soldier opens fire on then are you chumps going to call them BLM protesters as well.
If I'm in the street with a group of melanated people and unhoused people and we're protesting against the state of Colorado because of the massive systematic Injustice they continue to inflict on the poor communities and some Nazi lets off a few rounds will y'all applaud him??
I'm willing to bet the majority of you would. Because the majority of you have not been out there. You don't know who's out there for real. You don't know who's antifa you don't know who is BLM so you just categorize all of us as the same.

And you applaud the white supremacist.
I've never seen so many black people applaud a white supremacist shooting people. It really lets me know where we as a people stand when it comes to getting this Liberation.

Y'all m************ are ready for extinction.
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